NOELLE® S551.250 – Childbirth Patient Simulator with OMNI® 2

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The NOELLE S551.250 is a childbirth simulator featuring our innovative automatic delivery technology and OMNI 2 wireless interface. NOELLE offers the simulated experience of cephalic, breech, shoulder dystocia deliveries, and post-partum hemorrhaging.

SKU: TqvKk67XwD Category:

The NOELLE S551.250 is a childbirth simulator featuring our innovative automatic delivery technology and OMNI 2 wireless interface. NOELLE offers the simulated experience of cephalic, breech, shoulder dystocia deliveries, and post-partum hemorrhaging.


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NOELLE® S551.250 – Childbirth Patient Simulator with OMNI® 2

NOELLE® S551.250 – Childbirth Patient Simulator with OMNI® 2