Looking for trustworthy supplier of Medical devices and Surgical Equipment? i-surgical brings you the most reliable and quality equipment in Namibia and Africa right at a click away. We’re experienced in the business of medical supplies distribution and primarily focus on “Medical Devices and Equipment” to become industry benchmark in providing unparalleled services. In Healthcare industry, it is substantial to ensure the reliability and quality of the devices and our team of associated field experts have well established processes and procedures to ensure product handling, information and reliability.

At i-surgical, you can find PPEs, Antiseptic Solutions, Surgical Instruments Airway and Vent Equipment to sterilization accessories. We also have range of Aerosol Products to disinfect and prevent illness and odour from your home and office buildings, and also have hand sanitizers, sanitizing wipes, in different volumes.

You can also find cheap yet durable product in the sub category of medical equipment such as, Beds, Wheel Chairs, Minor Theatre equipment, Laboratory apparatus, Infrared Thermometer and Oxygen Concentrators. All of the devices and instruments that we deliver are highly tested, verified and meet all risk classes specified by regulatory bodies and determined by their design, application and potential harm if misused.



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