When was the last time you had your blood pressure measured? Would you even be able to understand whether it was within normal limits or slightly elevated? There are essentially no warning indicators that your blood pressure may be dangerously elevated, which is in contrast to the majority of other medical diseases. And make no mistake about it: hypertension is lethal. Hypertension or high blood pressure is the foremost cause of death in Namibia, accounting for 1.9 percent of all fatalities.
In order to better understand what hypertension is, what causes it, which natural therapies are the most effective for treating high blood pressure, and what preventive steps you can take to avoid suffering from it, we’ll delve into further detail.
Every time you have concerns about high blood pressure or any medical problem. You should make an appointment with your specialist to discuss your concerns further.
Early estimations
With estimations showing that the highest levels of blood pressure have transferred from high-income nations to low-income countries in sub-Saharan Africa. Hypertension is the single most significant contributor to the world’s burden of illness and death. The data indicates a fairly high incidence of hypertension among urban people in Namibia. However, no national estimates are available to provide information on the country’s overall burden. In this article, we will discuss the prevalence of hypertension among Namibian people and the risk factors that contribute to it.
High blood pressure in Namibia
High blood pressure is also popular as hypertension in medical terminology. But what exactly does this mean? As the name implies, blood pressure is the force that your blood exerts on the walls of your blood vessels. It takes more exertion for your heart to pump blood through your body if you have high blood pressure. High blood pressure may lead to cardiac failure. Over time, this may result in catastrophic medical disorders such as renal disease, heart failure, a stroke, or an aneurism, among other things.
Diagnosis of Hypertension or High blood pressure in Namibia
Hypertension is the condition when the systolic blood pressure is regularly more than 130 mmHg. And the diastolic blood pressure is superior than 80 mmHg.
Using a blood pressure cuff, which is a non-invasive device that can detect the pressure inside your arteries and transfer numerical values using a sphygmomanometer or an electronic device. Some of the causes and problems of hypertension may be diagnosed via the use of laboratory testing. Also, by imaging studies that your healthcare professional can perform.
In reaction to your activity level, hydration status, degree of worry, and several other variables, your blood pressure swings from minute to minute throughout the day and maybe as high as 140/90. The result is that a single reading taken in your healthcare provider’s office is just that: a snapshot in time. In most cases, taking an average of many measurements offers a more accurate picture of your blood pressure situation. If your healthcare consultant suspects that you have secondary hypertension, he or she may perform blood or urine tests.